Statements On the Murder of George Floyd and Protests for Black Lives
This is a collection of statements put out in May and June 2020 by Jewish Social Justice Roundtable organizations. Remember, this is ongoing work. Being anti-racist is not a box to check off once but something to work towards every day. Continue to learn, discuss, and name your failures and learn from them.
ALEPH’s statement: Responding to the Murder of George Floyd and BLM Protests
AJWS’s statement: On the Murder of George Floyd and Structural Racism in the US
Avodah’s statement: In Memory of George Floyd
Bend the Arc’s Statement in Solidarity with Black Lives: Our Jewish Community Condemns Police Violence and Affirms Black Lives
Carolina Jews for Justice’s statement
Challah for Hunger’s statement on Facebook
HIAS Stands for a Welcoming, Safe, and Just America for All
IKAR’s statement
JCRC Bay Area’s statement: Bay Area Jews in Solidarity with Black Lives
JCRC of Sacramento Region‘s statement
JCUA Demands Action for Black Lives
Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action’s statement
Jewish World Watch’s statement: When Enough is Enough = Never Again
Jews United For Justice’s statement: Lo Tirtzach: Black Lives Matter
Kavod’s statement: Together in Mourning & Solidarity
Keshet Statement on the Murders of George Floyd and Tony McDade
Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan’s statement on Facebook
MAZON Stands in Solidarity With Racial Justice Protests
Moving Traditions’ Statement in Memory of George Floyd and in Solidarity with those Fighting Racism
The National Council of Jewish Women Voices Outrage and Demands Action Over George Floyd’s Murder
The Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies joins with JFCS Minneapolis’s Statement on the death of George Floyd
NIF's statement: NIF CEO: “Today, we stand in solidarity with communities of color”
Shalom Bayit’s statement
Society for Humanistic Judaism’s statement on Facebook
The Rabbinical Assembly: Conservative/Masorti Rabbis Respond to the Murder of George Floyd, Pattern of Racism, Police Brutality Against Black Americans
Reconstructing Judaism and the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association’s statement: Standing Up for Racial Justice and Against Racial Violence
Repair the World's statement: A Moment to Learn and Take Action
T’ruah’s Statement on the Murder of George Floyd and Violence Against Protestors
URJ May 30 statement: Witnessing Protests, Rage, and Our Torah's Unbending Demand for Justice
The Workers Circle Statement on the Murder of George Floyd